
Individual Training

Individual Training

Personal Training

Whether you're interested in loosing weight, rehabbing from an injury, increasing stamina, or simply looking for motivation, consider personal training with me.  I will work with you to create an efficient, personalized plan to help you achieve your fitness goals. Balance is key to working out and staying healthy.  I'm a huge believer in cross training, to prevent injury and overuse of one muscle group. I will train you in a safe manner, working all muscle groups at different intensities.  I pride myself on my personal relationships that I have built with my clients.  They have become my family.  I want you to become part of my family too!  I will challenge, encourage, and push you to become your very best.

Massage Therapy with Emily

Massage Therapy with Emily

Massage Therapy

Whether I'm treating an injury, chronic overused muscles, tension headaches or for stress relief, I put all my energy into making my clients walk out feeling better than when they came in.  I've been practicing massage since 1999 and have learned lots of different techniques along the way, including myfascial release, sports massage, deep tissue, trigger point, and PNF stretching.  I tend to love working on clients with chronic upper back and neck pain, lower back pain and have helped relief pain in migraine suffers. Because I am a Certified Personal Trainer I am able to leave you with stretches and exercises for you to do on your own.  I can help you feel better during the massage session, but its up to you to follow through with the stretches and exercises in between treatments.

Fascial Stretch Therapy with Kat

Fascial Stretch Therapy

Fascial Stretch Therapy is a manual based table therapy that targets fascia. Stretch therapy improves the mobility of your nerves and the flexibility lines that connect through and wrap around muscles, nerves, organs, and just about everything else in your body. It also increases circulation and range of motion all while being pain free. Kat is a level 3 fascial stretch therapist and has also completed training in cup therapy. She will manually stretch you and add cupping to your session if you would like. Kat will also send you home with stretches to do on your own to help increase mobility. Contact Kat with FitLife Training Studio to schedule a stretch therapy session.

Kat Haux

Bootcamp class

Bootcamp class

Group Classes

We offer a variety of classes primarily focusing on functional fitness. Most classes are set in a circuit format where you move from one station to the next. We are one of the only studio’s in town that offers a full TRX circuit class. We also offer bootcamp, kickboxing, tabata, muscle burn and outdoor bootcamp. Our classes are safe, fun and will challenge you to your specific needs. We have a ton of fun in classes. Each student inspires, challenges and encourages one another. We are a family!


The spirit of empowerment lies within YOU. Be resilient, powerful, joyful, beautiful, playful, independent, and strong. YOU GOT THIS!